Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Updates! & Get to know me better

Hello my lovlies!

How are we all doing?? :)

Well....SPRING is finally here! Safe to say I'm a happy bunny although along with spring comes exams :( This isn't the best part of the season but ohh well. Hunger games is nearly here and I can't wait I am what you say in Scotland BUZZING!

I'm So happy to see my followers slowly rise! I would like to say a big well done to my beautiful blogger/real friend Julianne I just love this girlie! And if it wasn't for her I would never have gotten into blogging. After a throw away comment whilst attempting to stay awake in chemistry class I didn't think that I would be sitting here today ADDICTED to blogging! Julianne's blog is doing really well and she now has over 40 followers so be sure to check her blog out! And I'd love it if you left a comment on one of her posts telling her I've sent you! So once your finished reading my post go check her out! http://julzobsessions.blogspot.co.uk/

I just thought that I would do a little Tag blog since I haven't been to the shops yet this week as I've been a busy bee running here there and everywhere!

1. Are you named after anyone?
I am not named after anyone...well not my first name anyway. My middle name is Catherine and I must say I do love it. It is my mums first name and my auntie who is a nuns saints name so my mum and dad decided to baptise me it :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
The last time I cried was (and I'm not ashamed to say it!) was at the end of book 2 in the hunger games! I cry like a baby at books I'm such a softie!
3. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I would like to think so...I try to be nice and happy all the time towards anyone and everyone hence why I get called Granny Megs by my friends! (Although Granny's do have their bad days *cough* *cough* Monday's!!!)
4. What's the first thing you notice about people?
The first thing I notice is their personality's and the way they act around me or in a group...This sometimes determines whether I talk to them but I do try and talk/include everyone!

5. What is your eye colour?
My eye colour is dark brown! :)
6. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings...we've already found that I'm a baby and baby's don't like scary movies!

7. Favourite smells?

Floral, I just love the smell of flowers and Yankee candles they are amazing...Christmas cookie....mmmmmmmmmm!
8. Summer or winter?
As a Scottie I must say I love our snowy winters especially when they lead to snow days! :) So winter but spring is my favourite out of all the seasons!

9. Computer or television?

Computer...I couldn't blog with a TV!!

10. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
The furthest I have been with my mum and dad is Morocco & Florida :)
The furthest I have been myself is Paris :) But that will hopefully change when I am older of course!  

11. Do you have any special talents?
Ermm..well not really. I can sing and play netball...
12. What are your hobbies?
Singing I just love it and reading I'm a total bookworm!

13. Do you have any siblings?
Nope I'm an only child and the youngest in my family which is both good and bad I'm the baby and don't know my cousins as well as they are all double my age :(  But we do all talk alot more as they can't wait to take me out !
Well I hope you all know me a little better now
WHY don't you give it a go <3
ps don't forget to pop me an email even just to say hello I would really love to get to know some other bloggers!

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