Monday, 3 June 2013

Time for change.........

Hello Strangers!

It seems strange that I am once again writing away (and wondering if anyone will ever pop in and have a read). I have been gone for a year, and now feel its time to start over again with a bit of a makeover and revamp to my little blog. I am opening this new blog as 'Granny Meghan' my friends family and teachers call me this name due to my love of everything old and my 'caring nature'. I want this to be more of a life posting blog, however I am still a girl with a love of all things fashion related so the beauty side of me is still going to be here!

The last time I put my "pen to paper" was to appologise for my lack of posts and to update you on what has been going on in my life, well a lot has changed since then. It has been nearly a year since I lost my granddad and over that year there has been many, many ups and downs. Although I am happy to say right now life could not be better.

I am nearly finished my higher exams ( I was not prepared for how hard this year would be!) and exited as I prepare for my "holiday". This year I have Volunteered to be a helper as I accompany a group of VIPs, nurses doctors and fellow helpers on a 10 day trip to Lourdes on a Jumbalance. I am to say the least  frightened and nevous all at the same time as this experience is unlike anything I have ever done before. I am going with three teachers from my school and two other girls. The teachers have all been on this trip several times ( one is even the group leader!) although my friends-the two girls- have not so we are all in it together!
When I return from Lourdes I go away to Ireland to meet my very large family whom I have never met before! I am so exited!

So as summer is fast approaching and I have re-entered the blogosphere I hope this time I am here to stay! So as I ramble on I hope that someone out there might pop in and have a read. I really must put my head back into the spanish book!

Adios for now,
Granny Meg's 